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Careers  Team

Careers Lead

Miss A Knight

Careers Coordinator

Mrs E Frost

Career Practitioner

Mrs G Jaworek

Careers  Links

Apprenticeships & Employment

If you require any help with making your course choices, book a careers interview through Mrs Frost in the Careers Office, Ground Floor English Block.

Careers  Education

The Education Act 2011 places schools under a duty to secure access to independent and impartial careers guidance for their pupils from September 2012. While complying with the requirement to secure careers guidance from an external source, schools will be free to make arrangements for careers guidance that fit the needs and circumstances of their students, and will be expected to work, as appropriate, in partnership with external and expert providers.


1. Securing access to independent face-to-face careers guidance

All students at Crofton have at least one careers interview before the end of Key Stage Four. Students with a Statement of Special Educational Need and some other vulnerable students have an earlier meeting, usually during year nine. There is another ‘wave’ of summer term interviews in year ten for selected students who would benefit from additional advice.
A mock job interview day takes place in the autumn of year ten. This is a formal occasion with all students preparing an application and being interviewed by a local employer. Students are required to dress formally for the event and receive detailed and honest feedback about their communication skills.


2. Assuring the quality of external providers of careers guidance

All careers advisors employed by the school are appropriately qualified.
Education Business Partnership (EBP) provide external support to our careers programme and quality assurance is undertaken by representatives from local schools and colleges.


3. Providing careers education for young people

Careers education is delivered through a range of planned experiences including:

  • Occupational talks (from employers and ex-students)

  • Visits to local employers

  • Annual Careers Fayre: Years 8, 9 and 10

  • PDL programme of careers modules throughout KS3 and KS4

  • Preparation for the mock interview day

  • Mock interview day

  • Local business competitions

  • Assemblies from employers and trainers

  • Preparation for, and evaluation of, two week work experience.


4. Ensuring adequate support for students with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities

All students with a Statement of Special Educational Need have careers interviews in years nine, ten and eleven (repeat interviews are available for students needing further guidance). There is a careers interview before every statement review. Visits to post-16 providers are arranged for targeted students.


5. Working with local authorities

Tracking of Not in Education, Training or Employment (NEET) students is undertaken by the LA. Figures for Crofton are traditionally very low or zero. Students who show the potential to be NEET are identified during Key Stage Four and additional support arranged.

6. Working with local learning providers

Local post 16 education providers take part in our year eleven personal development programme. Other, more distant providers, often contribute to our assembly programme and all are invited to attend Key Stage Four parent’s evenings. Crofton School shares good practice with local schools e.g. strategies for identifying and supporting students with the potential to become NEET.


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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