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Promoting British Values

SMSC - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural

  • Where can we eat at school?
    You can eat in the canteen, hall or outside. For Health and Safety reasons, you can’t eat in Science, Art or Technology.
  • Will I ever be allowed to take off my blazer?
    Good question. Normally teachers have no objection to taking off blazers but you have to ask. Usually in summer the Head Teacher makes the decision to allow us to take off our blazers.
  • Will I be with my friends?
    Teachers from your primary school advise Crofton about friends but if you’re not with all of them, don’t worry as you will really soon make new friends. Plus you can still see your friends at break and lunch and in many subjects when you’re not with your tutor group.
  • Is the Head of Year strict?
    The Head of Year 7 can be really strict with some students who don’t behave, but usually all Heads of Year are really friendly.
  • What is a detention?
    A detention is a sanction you are given for disobeying the rules and the more serious the rule the longer the detention. Detentions are set for not giving in homework, disobedience and being constantly late to school or class.
  • What is a Form Tutor?
    This is one of our teachers in charge of your tutor group and will look after you for your 5 years at Crofton.
  • What are the rules about mobile phones?
    You’re allowed to have your mobile phones as long as they are switched off during school hours.
  • Where do we keep our school books and PE kit at school?
    You can buy a locker for £2 and you keep it for the whole year. You can keep all of your books and PE kit in there.
  • How do I find my way around?
    You will have a map and both staff and students at Crofton will always help you.

Crofton School supports the teaching of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education. This document shows the programme studied in PDL lessons and here is the assembly rota.

Promoting British Values

Crofton School promotes the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We actively promote the values by challenging opinions or behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. Here is a useful document

Charity work at Crofton

Students at Crofton have always been very good at giving their time and money to others less fortunate than themselves.

In October we hold a charity week every year, where each house is responsible for a days’ events to raise money. During the week the school raises money for 4 charities nominated by the students’ and the school Ghana project. In 2016 we were pleased to be able to present £600 to each of our chosen charities. The staff and students also hold a coffee morning once a half term to raise money for other charities nominated by students or staff. Staff and students donate cakes and the at break time they all enjoy a coffee/tea and cake together. There is usually a raffle of donated goods to help raise more funds.


In 2017, students are aiming to raise £5000 for Canine Partners. The £5000 will enable the charity to buy a puppy and cover the cost of the initial puppy training. During Charities Week, each tutor group ran a stall on their given house day, this included selling cakes and sweets, throwing sponges at teachers, making mocktails and decorating cookies. Students rehearsed for three evening events, Open Mic and two evenings of ‘A Night at the Musicals’. During the week we managed to raise just under £3000.


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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