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Crofton Blog

Coronavirus Update 31/03/2020

Writer's picture: Crofton SchoolCrofton School

Dear Parents and Carers,

In these extraordinary times I hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy? I am writing to provide you with a brief update from Crofton School which I hope you will find useful.

Home Learning Our staff are working hard to provide a broad and relevant curriculum for all students as best we can, giving feedback and support to students where possible via Show My Homework. This ‘Virtual Curriculum’ is new to all of us, parents and teachers, and we know it is not perfect. Some parents have contacted us with queries and suggestions and we are trying to ensure you all receive individual responses and making changes where we can. No two homes are the same, there are as many different experiences of home learning as there are households, so I hope you will find the following guidance useful.

It is for you as a family to engage with the work in the ways that best suit you and your family. Our aim is to set work that will keeps students’ minds active and maintain interest in each subject. We have provided activities with some structure and guidance on timings but please be assured there will be no judgment or sanction if students are struggling to access the work or understand it.

In my view, there is enough to worry about for all of us at the moment. So please do not allow school work to become a source of additional tension in your home. It is far more important that you find ways as a family to live together and get on with each other in these difficult times.

Students should get done what they can, but do be flexible. There is much that can be done to bring variety aside from school work, such as reading, exercise, cooking, films, talking to friends and family. There may never be a better opportunity for doing these things together.

Where there are gaps we will pick these up when we are back in school. I wish we could say when, but the sooner the better. In the meantime, we will work this out together so please stay in touch with us and continue to ask for support if you need it.

GCSE 2020 We await details from the Government about how GCSE grades will be calculated, and expect an announcement later this week. We will contact Year 11 parents as soon as we know more, in the meantime Year 11s should continue to work as best they can on the work set by teachers.

Easter Break Students will not be set work to do over the Easter break. We have already sent a separate communication to you about Easter provision for children of Critical (Key) Workers and Vulnerable children. If you need to make use of this, please ensure you respond as soon as possible if you have not done so already, so that we can plan our provision. If you have any queries about this provision please contact

Free School Meals Those eligible for Free School Meals will have received a separate communication from Miss Knight about this. We are endeavouring to find flexible ways to support families depending on their circumstances. I am pleased to inform you the Government has today released details of a national voucher scheme. We are currently setting up the process to administer this and will be in touch with parents of students eligible for Free School Meals as soon as possible about this. In the meantime, please continue to contact Miss Knight if you require any

Staying in touch We will continue to keep our Coronavirus section of the website as up to date as possible. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us on and we will ensure you receive a response. If you require any technical support with home learning please contact

Finally, please remember we are only just over a week into this, there may be many more ahead. We will continue to support you and your children, responding as best we can to these very unusual and challenging circumstances. The most important thing you can do at present is to take care of yourselves and each other.

Yours sincerely,

Mr S Harrison





Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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