At IBM, work is more than a job -it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. To lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems. Who is IBM?
IBM is a large Technology, Business and Consulting firm and stands for “International Business Machines”. IBM’s headquarters are based in Armonk, New York and we have locations all over the UK. We have over 380,000 employees worldwide and operate in 175 different countries. Join us and be part of a diverse and global team of thinkers and doers –people who want to make an impact, cultivate their expertise and collaborate with some of the world’s top business and technology professionals. Why work at IBM? If you are exploring your options post-education, our IBM School Leaver Schemes will enable you to gain the experience, skills and contacts you need to start building a bright future. The choice of scheme is yours. You’ll work on real projects, with real clients and real bottom-line deliverables. Our opportunities will give you everything you need to build a successful career. What will it be like to work at IBM? When you join IBM, you will become part of the ‘Foundation’ Early Professional community alongside Apprentices, Futures students, University Placement students and Graduates. As part of this community, you will be assigned an Early Professional Manager (in addition to your day-to-day Task manager). Your Early Professional Manager will be with you every step of the way, ensuring you get the experience you need to get to the next step in your career. They will support you with your training and development and to give-back to the community both inside, and outside of IBM.
You do not need to have any prior work experience; instead, we’re looking for enthusiastic, driven and innovative individuals, with a passion for business and technology.
