Dear Parent and Carers
We appreciate that there are some very uncertain time ahead and the recent announcement of school closures will bring increasing pressures on some families.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some useful Apps and phone numbers, should you need them, to help you and your family through this time. We do face some uncertain times ahead but I want to reassure you that there is plenty of support available for you and your family.
Useful phone numbers for parents
Children Social Services 0300 555 1384 Out of Hours 0300 5551373
NSPCC Parent helpline0808 800 5000
Samaritans116 123
Parent Helpline Young minds0808 802 5544
Citizens advice 0344 411 1306
For young people
No Panic Youth helpline 0330 606 1174
Catch 22 (Drugs)0800 5999591
Childline 0800 111 111
Hopeline UK0800 068 4141
Useful Apps especially for mental health
Memory Star
Staying Alive
Think Ninja
Well Mind
Food banks
Gosport Food Bank is open if you feel you meet their criteria and are in need of their support. They can be contacted on 07866445535 if you have any questions. Everyone is treated with respect and confidential information is held under strict GDPR rules.
Crofton School website also has a lot of health and well being tip especially under the Year 11 tab (suitable for all years and parents), and the safeguarding tab.
The Crofton School library Instagram page also has plenty of wellbeing tips. Log in under crofton_library.
School pastoral staff may be in contact with some parents to continue support where we can. I hope your family keep safe and well.
Miss A Knight
Senior Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead