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Crofton Blog

Partial School Closure Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th March

Mr Hickey - Ops Director

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

Following new Government measures and advice issued yesterday evening, we have seen a sharp increase in staff absence today. At the time of writing we have no confirmed cases of Coronavirus amongst staff or students, but many staff are absent due to Government advice on ‘at risk’ groups and self-isolation. Although we have been able to remain fully open so far this week, the timescales involved in this mean there is no prospect of improvement, we are likely to see a further increase in staff absence and there are no further supply teachers available. Therefore I have taken the decision to implement a partial closure of the school from tomorrow and the remainder of the week as follows:

  • Wednesday 18 March: Years 7, 10 and 11 only should attend. Years 8 and 9 remain at home

  • Thursday 19 March: Years 7, 8 and 11 only should attend. Years 9 and 10 remain at home

  • Friday 20 March: Years 9, 10 and 11 only should attend. Years 7 and 8 remain at home

I do appreciate the disruption this may cause to families and learning, however I am sure you will understand these are exceptional circumstances. We believe this measure will enable the school to continue functioning with safe staffing for those students present. If we experience even greater levels of staff absence than anticipated, we may need to close other Year groups and will inform you as soon as possible if this is the case. In addition, there may be further government direction on this during the week, in which case we will respond accordingly. We will communicate no later than Friday with further plans for next week.

Work set for absent year groups

For absent year groups, staff will aim to set work for each class on Show My Homework, please see previous communications for details on this. I am aware that some parents and students currently absent have requested work be individually set for them during their absence. Unfortunately we do have limited capacity to set work in this way, our priority will be to plan work for classes in school and those year groups not in school. Staff will endeavour to set additional work for absent students where possible on Show My Homework but please can I ask that parents and students do not contact staff directly to request this. We are doing everything we can under very difficult circumstances to limit the impact on students but I hope parents will appreciate the challenges we face.

If students are not in school and have any issues accessing online learning, they can contact our IT support team during school hours on support.

GCSE Exams

I know Year 11 students will be especially concerned about any disruption to their preparation for the GCSE exams. We are ensuring they will remain in school as long as there is no full closure directed by the government. We have been assured by the Department for Education that they are working on plans for any disruption to the exams, and will pass on any information as soon as we have it. However in the meantime Year 11s should continue to prepare for the GCSE exams as usual and we will fully support them with this.

Students eligible for Free School Meals

For students who claim free school meals, we can make a packed lunch available on days when their year group is not in school. If you would like us to provide this, please email Miss Knight or call the school reception 01329 664251, and we will make these available for collection at the school reception from Midday each day.

Instrumental Lessons

For students receiving instrumental lessons, these will proceed as normal on the days that students are in school, as long as their teachers are not absent. Please contact Mr Oliver if you have any queries.

Hygiene measures

For those students who are in school, we continue to emphasise the importance of regular handwashing, have additional cleaning in place, and are providing additional handwashing facilities and sanitisers wherever we can. We have also postponed or cancelled a number of events and activities to reduce the risk to students and will continue to communicate with those affected about these as and when we review them.

Further information

We will keep you informed of any further information via the school website and through our usual communication routes. We continue to follow government advice and hope you will do the same on any aspect of this you are concerned about, particularly if you feel your child may need to be absent from school. The following link provides the most up to date advice:

In addition, there is also a Department for Education coronavirus helpline available to answer questions about Covid-19 relating to education and children’s social care; please see details below.

Phone: 0800 046 8687

Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during this complex and fast changing situation. Do please contact us at if you have any queries or concerns.

Yours faithfully

Mr S Harrison

Headteacher, Crofton School



Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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