Dear Parents/Carers,
PE kit arrangements
Thank you for your ongoing support with regards to PE kit arrangements. Students have been excellent at wearing the correct kit.
Immediately following the half term break, the Year 10’s will be sitting exams in the sports hall and therefore, students who have PE on Monday 7 June – Tuesday 15 June inclusive, should arrive to school in PE kit regardless of what lesson they have PE. They will then be expected to stay in PE kit for the rest of the day. Students will not be required to bring their uniform to school. I hope this will be the final time that we will need to have this arrangement and are currently hopeful that we can reinstate the use of changing rooms early in the next half term.
New PE kit items From September the current PE polo shirt and shorts are being discontinued by Skoolkit. We are therefore introducing a new PE sports t-shirt and matching shorts. Students will be permitted to continue wearing any of the ‘old’ style PE kit in September until the need to replace it arrives. I am aware that Skoolkit are selling their remaining stock at a reduced price, but please note that it will not be the latest style.
I hope you enjoy a restful half term.
Yours faithfully Mr M Zealander Subject Leader for PE