The following events are for current Year 10 students for a September 2022 start:
Open Evenings Monday 28th and Tuesday 29th June 4:30 -8:15pm. Please can we ask all schools to share the digital invitation attached with students and parents in your current Year 10 only.
Numbers will be limited to ensure the safety of visitors and staff.
Students will need to book a ticket from the website. The Eventbrite ticket admits two people- themselves and a parent/carer.
Session times are 4.30-5.45pm, 5.45-7.00pm and 7.00-8.15pm.
There will be no Principal's Presentation on the evening, this will only be available online.
There will be no car parking on site except for blue badge holders who will have to contact admissions prior to the event to book a parking space. Travel details are available on the attached invite.
For anyone not able to attend there are lots of resources online including videos for each of the courses and a 360 degree tour.
Open Evenings Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th October Time tbc
Hampshire Specialist Music Presentation 11th October 6 - 7pm
This will be a virtual event