We are sorry to inform you that due to exceptionally high levels of staff absence we are unable to fully staff the school tomorrow, and therefore have taken the decision to ask Year 10 students to remain at home on Friday 18 March. All other year groups can attend as normal.
Please do not send your Year 10 child in to school tomorrow, work will be set on Satchel: One so please ask your child to check there for each timetabled lesson they would have had. As staff for those lessons will be covering other year group lessons, please be aware that live Teams lessons will not be possible. In addition, where staff are unwell they may not be able to set work, however we will endeavour to set work wherever possible.
We assure you we have explored every other option available before taking this decision. We have used every possible resource this week to avoid this measure, with staff covering multiple lessons well beyond their normal duties. However, with no improvement in staff absence, primarily due to Covid-19, and no availability of extra supply teachers due to demand being so high across the local area, we have been left with no other option for tomorrow.
We will be writing to all parents tomorrow with further details of contingency planning for next week. However, should a further year group closure be required on Monday 21 March it will not be Year 10, so please send your child in to school as normal after the weekend.
