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Young Carers

What is a Young Carer?

A young person under the age of 18
Someone who provides care for/looking after a relative at home
Someone who takes on duties that are beyond that of someone their age
May have an effect on their school or social life


Who does a Young Carer look after?

Maybe Mum and/or Dad Or brother/sister
Maybe lots of siblings
Maybe a grandparent
Maybe even a neighbour


Why may someone be a Young Carer?

To help with mental health difficulties such as depression, bipolar
To help with physical disabilities
To help with long term illnesses such as cancer
To help with alcohol or drug issues and addictions
To act as a translator


Types of Care?

Physical - helping to wash or dress someone, helping with the use a wheelchair;
Practical - cooking, cleaning, shopping, paying bills, getting brothers or sisters up and off to school;
Emotional – supporting family members emotionally – such as keeping the person they care for company, spending time with them.


How do I know?

There is no one way a Young Carer may act or behave;
It could be the person sat next to you;
Or it could be you.


What if I don’t want to tell you?

FEAR: Some may be scared they’ll let the family down or be taken into care;
TRUTH: That’s not why I’ve got my role – it’s to provide a space for you to be yourself and leave behind any worries you’ve got;
Caring for someone does not, in itself, put you in danger or at risk;
It’s about making your caring role easier.


What is out there for Young Carers?

Under 18s group – club;
14+ group - Monday nights in the Carers Centre;
Annual Young Carers Festival;
One to ones for more information.


How should I treat a Young Carer?

Don’t use it against a Young Carer (not that you would);
But on same note, don’t go on and on if you do know – respect their privacy;
Young Carers work really hard for their families - so try to be understanding.


Who can I talk to?

> Your Tutor

> Head of Year
> Safeguarding Leads


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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