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Safety Measures

At Crofton we will continue to use measures that go beyond the requirements of government guidance to ensure everyone in our school community remains safe. You can read a summary of DfE guidance for parents here . These include: 


  • Start of School Day: Students should go to their tutor bases from 8.35am, ready to register at 8.45am. 

  • End of School Day: All students are dismissed at 3.10pm, 2.05pm on a Wednesday. 


Uniform: normal expectations apply for uniform, a letter outlining our uniform expectations was sent to parents at the end of the summer term, a copy can be found here . PE arrangements have returned to normal so there will be no need for students to wear PE kit outside of PE lessons. 

You can find details on uniform and the equipment students are expected to bring every day on the school website here

Managing contact: We are continuing with our existing on-site safety measures at least for the first half of the spring term. This includes Year group zones for breaks and lunchtimes and one-way systems for lesson changeovers.  


Positive Tests: Please inform us if your child tests positive for Covid-19, using . Further detail on the current guidance for managing self-isolation and positive tests can be found on our Attendance page here.  


If your child has COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, you should not send them into school and follow public health advice. 

Hygiene Measure: We continue to implement robust hygiene measures to minimise the risk of any spread of infection, including: 

  • All lessons ending with a 5 minute ‘clean down and tidy up’ routine, supported by all necessary hygiene products. 

  • A rolling cleaning programme in place across the school during the day. 

  • A full clean down at the end of each day and use of an electrostatic sanitisation program for further protection. You can see a video explaining how we are using this program by clicking here 

  • Hand sanitisers are available in every room and these will be routinely used by staff and students. Students may also find it useful to carry their own hand sanitiser. Alcohol-free hand sanitiser is also available, please let us know if your child requires this. 

  • Maximising ventilation in indoor areas 


Face Coverings: From Thursday 27 January face coverings are not required. However, we continue to ask that students bring them to school so that we can return to their use at short notice should there be an increase in positive Covid-19 cases in the school or local area. Any student can wear a face covering if they wish to as long as these are worn safely and appropriately. 

You can find full details, including our latest Risk Assessment here. In addition, the you can find information for parents from the Department for Education here.  


We will of course keep these safety measures under constant review to ensure they are effective, and may also need to respond to any further changes in government guidance. Should we need to make any significant adjustments, we will inform parents and students as soon as possible. 


Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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