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Keeping your physical and mental wellbeing safe >


In the current circumstances, it may be easy for people (including yourself) to forget about your own well-being.  This is your mental and physical health, both are equally important.


It is important to remember, we are all in this together, where your ambition, kindness and diligence are more important than ever.  


  • Be ambitious, do your work set by teachers. 

  • Be kind to others, that could be as simple as a smile or a phone call to someone you haven't spoken to in a while.

  • Show diligence in your work, don't just do something quickly to get back to the console or mobile device. Be amazing, do it brilliantly.  YOU will benefit from this greatly!


Check out the pages from the links below which will give you some ideas / resources to help you during the current conditions.


Your Physical Health >

Sitting around for long periods doing nothing is bad for your health, there is a reason we give you P.E. lessons in school! 

> What are you going to do to stay physically healthy?  Being a 24 hour keyboard warrior is not exercise! â€‹Keep moving, limit your time at computers and on phones... give those eyes a much needed rest!


> Get exercise into your routine... Take a walk for at least 30 minutes per day - ensuring you are well away from others, and observing all of the guidance.


> Perhaps you could watch Joe Wicks (Mon-Fri 9am) ... live on YouTube! Get those muscles motivated!


Your Mental Wellbeing >

With so much information around, you may be feeling upset, anxious, confused, unhappy... and so many more different types of feelings!​ It is really important you talk to someone about how you are feeling. 


You have a young and developing mind, you may need help in understanding how you are feeling, or maybe just need to get something off your chest.  Who do you feel comfortable telling this information to?  Friend, Teacher, Parent/Family, maybe a support line?  Below is a selection of resources for you, but remember, if you need any help or you are struggling contact someone; your teachers are at the end of an email!



Keeping your self safe and well >



Marks Road, Stubbington,
Fareham, Hampshire PO14 2AT


Reception: 01329 664251

Student Absence: 01329 666824



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